Located at 16th Street and Packer Avenue in South Philadelphia, Louis' Tag Agency is excited to serve their local community. We strive for quick and friendly service for all of our customers and work hard to ensure their satisfaction.
Since Louis' Tag Agency opened its' doors in 1995, the business has been family owned and operated by Louis Cerino, Louis Cerino, Jr, and grandchildren. No appointment necessary! Stop in and enjoy our "Relaxed and Comfortable Atmosphere!"

Mon. - Fri. : 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
​​Saturday : 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
​Sunday : Closed

Louis' Tag Agency
Online Service Available
Instant Online Service
Tags, Titles, & Registration
Notary/Fax Service
Must have Driver's License or Photo ID
Must sign in front of Notary
New Tags/Lost Tags
New/Duplicate Titles
Registration Renewal/Duplicates
Driver's License Renewals/Dupilcates
Receive Registration while you wait
Receive Title within 7-10 days